- 2024
- - Higher For Longer Club (170.33 KB)
- 2023
- - Don't over wait to overweight... (345.33 KB)
- 2022
- - Hello (again) CINDY! (248.05 KB)
- - Rising Tide (276.36 KB)
- 2021
- - FED up? (170.90 KB)
- - Shred it for credit (162.07 KB)
- 2020
- - Winter springs summer (181.07 KB)
- - Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) (118.04 KB)
- - Give the Fed Credit! (226.84 KB)
- 2019
- - Credit where credit's due (192.40 KB)
- - Quantitative Un-Easiness (211.45 KB)
- 2018
- - Walking the risk vs. return tightrope (208.42 KB)
- - 2018: An SAA Odyssey (63.38 KB)
- - Spelacchio (250.92 KB)
- - Are investors too fearful? (66.46 KB)
- 2017
- - What? Bullish equities? Are you mad...?! (281.88 KB)
- - Great American Eclipse (60.17 KB)
- - Decayed Decade? (192.68 KB)
- - Unknown unknowns (504.13 KB)
- 2016
- - New Year New Beginnings (149.63 KB)
- - Should I stay or should I go? (330.89 KB)
- - It's a new Don... (166.15 KB)
- - Sound as a Pound (156.61 KB)
- - Fixed income = not fixed + no income (459.12 KB)
- - I can't live if living is without EU (271.11 KB)
- - I wouldn't buy a bond with your money! (743.13 KB)
- - Conscious Uncoupling (171.92 KB)
- - Never fall victim to classic blunders (55.94 KB)
- - Rehab (179.07 KB)
- 2015
- - Review of 2015 (105.65 KB)
- - The six o'clock swill (72.62 KB)
- - Alas das auto (156.72 KB)
- - Dominoes (128.00 KB)
- - Chinese (Don) Yuan (145.29 KB)
- - Lift off (54.81 KB)
- - Storms and stability (46.44 KB)
- - There will be growth in the spring (212.61 KB)
- - Poker face (147.70 KB)
- - 11.5 million (158.36 KB)
- - Wimpy (252.75 KB)
- 2014
- - 2015: Sunshine? Moonlight? Good times? Blame it on the QE (192.07 KB)
- - Fixed income at crossroads (252.11 KB)
- - Everybody has a plan (247.12 KB)
- - The new... nightmare (234.17 KB)
- - Closing time (167.15 KB)
- - Long and wrong (187.09 KB)
- - Razzle dazzle 'em (293.80 KB)
- - The new... whatever (222.56 KB)
- - Slow and low that is the tempo (168.20 KB)
- - Connect the dots (215.63 KB)
- - Keep calm and carry on (125.50 KB)
- - Guidance, the only bullet left (132.71 KB)
- 2013
- - Top non-predictions for 2014 (571.36 KB)
- - Rebel Yellen (185.32 KB)
- - Oops I did it again (199.71 KB)
- - Chicken Little (263.42 KB)
- - Taper tantrum (261.91 KB)
- - Gone too soon (926.91 KB)
- - Feral hogs (350.53 KB)
- - The end of dirty beta (197.64 KB)
- - Pandora's box (282.74 KB)
- - Fork in the road (132.22 KB)
- - Mama mia (823.62 KB)
- - Lights on, lights off (873.23 KB)
- 2012
- - Reading the tea leaves (737.01 KB)
- - Staring out over the cliff (974.30 KB)
- - Chinafication (1.29 MB)
- - If you're not part of the solution... (998.85 KB)
- - Do you feel lucky? (1.03 MB)
- - Financial Olympics (1.22 MB)
- - Back to the future (1.14 MB)
- - Blood sport (875.26 KB)
- - The divine comedy (1.10 MB)
- - Welcome to a state of delusion (790.99 KB)
- - The next bubble? (1.19 MB)
- - A giant victory (637.74 KB)
- 2011
- - Naughty or nice (1.25 MB)
- - Sometimes the truth can be so unnecessary (1.22 MB)
- - Financial Botox for Europe (956.10 KB)