Contact us

Please contact the Kapstream office most conveniently located for you, or our associates at Janus Henderson Investors with offices located across Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.


Office address

Level 36, Grosvenor Place, 225 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

Institutional investors and consultants

Dylan Bourke phone +61 2 9234 0014 or email

Financial advisers

To find out more about investing with Kapstream please contact our administrator Fidante Partners by phone on 1300 721 637 (or +612 8023 5428 if you are outside of Australia), by email at, or click here to find details of your local representative.

Individual investors

To find out more about investing with Kapstream please contact our administrator Fidante Partners by phone on 1300 721 637 (or +612 8023 5428 if you are outside of Australia), by email at, or visit the Fidante Partners website.